guilt trip

美 [ɡɪlt trɪp]英 [ɡɪlt trɪp]
  • 负疚感
guilt tripguilt trip


remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense
Synonym: guilt guilty conscience guilt feelings


  1. Stop laying a guilt trip on me .


  2. There 's such pressure to be happy in Hawaii , if you 're unhappy you 're on a guilt trip


  3. But I could still take my daughter on a guilt trip .


  4. Don 't lay a guilt trip on your child about schoolwork .


  5. Don 't let him put a guilt trip on you ! So why did you break up with him anyway ?


  6. Having been dissatisfied with his job , he started laying an enormous guilt trip on his wife .


  7. You don 't need to have a guilt trip about your break-up , it 's not your fault .


  8. This global warming fad trying to use a guilt trip about our carbon footprints is a fraud to squeeze more money out of us .


  9. When Brad insisted they hold off , Angelina put him on a major guilt trip by telling him the kids want them to be married .


  10. Someone may want more from you than you 're willing or able to give , but you don 't have to become a victim of anyone else 's guilt trip today .


  11. Not only will a self-inflicted guilt trip lead to balking , dwelling on your shortcomings can quickly spiral out of control and result in negative and counter-productive self-talk .


  12. As the " laptop " and " desktop " systems move to inactive states , you 'll see a pop-up message on the control node showing you which person to give the Kermit guilt trip (" It 's not easy being green ") .


  13. That 's what happened to Dan Binstock , a partner at attorney search firm Garrison & Sisson in Washington D.C. A lawyer whom Binstock had recruited to a new job came into the office after giving notice to his current partners and being subjected to a guilt trip for leaving them .
